Annual Boatshed Brokers Awards
Boatshed Bourgogne & Boatshed Midi Canals nominated for four out of eight awards !
The Annual Boatshed Brokers conference was held in Gosport on the 19th & 20th of January. A lively event with workshops, talks & presentations, team events and brainstorming sessions all designed to keep your Boatshed broker one, or more, steps ahead of the field. One of the highlights was the Boatshed Group Annual Awards and Boatshed Bourgogne & Boatshed Midi Canals were nominated for four out of eight of them:
Best Video Award
Boatshed Seattle
Boatshed Portsmouth
Boatshed Bourgogne
Boatshed Bourgogne won this award back in 2013 and we are convinced of the positive advantage that Boatshed video coverage gives our clients. This year, with some innovative and informative videos, the deserving winner was …………..
”Boatshed Portsmouth”.
Customer Service Award
Boatshed Bourgogne & Boatshed Midi Canals
Boatshed Suffolk
Boatshed North Wales
Boatshed Seattle
Boatshed Portsmouth
Again a subject all of us at Boatshed strive to excel in but this year the delighted and deserving winner was…………..
”Boatshed Suffolk” .
Best Business Developer Award
Simon Hall - Boatshed Lancashire/Cumbria
Graham Wharmby - Boatshed Midi Canals, Bourgogne, Port Saint Louis & St. Malo
Scott & Lisa Helker - Boatshed Seattle, Tacoma , Anacortes
Samantha Cassell - Boatshed Portsmouth, Hayling Island, Performance
Graham won this award last year and was thrilled to do so again this year. “I take developing the Boatshed Brand here in France very seriously. Enhanced brand awareness is of utmost importance to all of us, brokers and clients alike.”
Finally the presentations were rounded off with.....
Boatshed Brokerage of the Year Award
Nominations were
Boatshed Seattle
Boatshed Portsmouth
Boatshed Midi Canals/Bourgogne
Boatshed Wales
Boatshed Gibraltar
Boatshed Medway/Kent
……And the winner was……. Boatshed Midi Canals/Bourgogne
Oh boy!! What a night that was….